Do you want to apply for Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying and Construction
Economics at (ARU) and you dont know about the admission requirements? see the entry qualification for the course of Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying and Construction
Economics in section below;
Ardhi University
The Ardhi University is a Public university located in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. To apply for Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying and Construction
Economics which is a 4 years programme ,one need to have the following qualification
Two principal level passes in any of the following subjects: Advanced Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics or Accountancy. In addition, an applicant must have at least a subsidiary pass in Advanced Mathematics or Basic Applied Mathematics at A-level and a minimum of
D grade in Physics at O-Level.
Click here for Instructions on how to apply for various programmes at ARU
For more information on tuition fee and university direct costs for Bachelor of Science in Quantity Surveying and Construction
Economics please Click Programmes 2024/2025