Bungoma North Technical And Vocational College Course Offered 2024/2025


    Do you want to Know the list of course offered at Bungoma North Technical And Vocational College for 2024/2025 academic year ?.The Bungoma North Technical And Vocational College is a PUBLIC institution located in BUNGOMA county, Kenya. It offers a range of educational programs .

    Bungoma North Technical And Vocational College Profile

    Name : Bungoma North Technical And Vocational College

    Contact :P.O Box 76 – 50204 Kimilili

    Phone Number +254728172771

    Email : bungomanorthtechnicalcollege@yahoo.com

    Category :TVC

    Type :PUBLIC College

    County : BUNGOMA County

    Reg Number : TVETA/PUBLIC/TVC/0033/2019

    View the list of all Registered Institution in Kenya

    Bungoma North Technical And Vocational College Course Offered 2024/2025

    1. Artisan in General Agriculture (KNEC) for a maximum of 35 trainees
    2. Artisan in Welding & Fabrication (KNEC ) for a maximum of 35 trainees
    3. Diploma in Automotive Engineering (KNEC ) for a maximum of 35 trainees
    4. Craft in Automotive Engineering (KNEC ) for a maximum of 35 trainees
    5. Artisan in Motor Vehicle Mechanics (KNEC ) for a maximum of 35 trainees
    6. Diploma in Social Work (KNEC ) for a maximum of 35 trainees
    7. Craft in Social Work (KNEC) for a maximum of 35 trainees
    8. Artisan in Hair Dressing and Beauty Therapy (NITA) for a maximum of 35 trainees

    For More details visit : https://www.tveta.go.ke/

    About TVETA

    The Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) is committed to efficient and effective delivery on its mandate of regulating and coordinating TVET training to assure its quality and relevance.

    TVETA shall comply with the TVET Act 2013 and all other applicable statutory provisions and continually improve its QMS based on the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, customer feedback and appropriate international best practices.
    TVETA shall ensure that this quality policy is communicated, understood and applied within the Authority. and that, together with established quality objectives, are reviewed annually.