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How many schools are in Zambia

RECENTLY UPDATED ON September 3rd, 2024 at 07:28 pm

How Many Schools Are in Zambia? A Breakdown

Discover the total number of schools in Zambia, including primary and secondary institutions. Get insights into the distribution of schools across the country and the factors influencing their growth.


Zambia boasts a rich educational landscape, with a growing number of institutions catering to students of all ages. But just how many schools are there in this beautiful African nation? Let’s dive into the numbers.

Zambia’s School Population: A Snapshot

As of 2020, Zambia had approximately 9,441 primary schools and 1,290 secondary schools. These figures represent a steady increase from previous years, indicating the government’s commitment to expanding educational access across the country.

It’s important to note that this data includes both public and private schools. The distribution of schools varies significantly between urban and rural areas, with a higher concentration of educational institutions in urban centers.

Factors Affecting School Numbers

Several factors contribute to the fluctuating number of schools in Zambia:

  • Population growth: With a rising population, the demand for education increases, leading to the establishment of new schools.
  • Government policies: Government initiatives aimed at improving education access can result in the construction of more schools, especially in underserved areas.
  • Economic conditions: Economic growth can influence the number of private schools, as increased disposable income allows more families to afford private education.

Challenges and Opportunities

While Zambia has made significant strides in education, challenges persist. Overcrowded classrooms, teacher shortages, and inadequate infrastructure remain obstacles to quality education. However, these challenges also present opportunities for investment and innovation in the education sector.


Zambia’s education system is evolving rapidly, with a growing number of schools providing opportunities for its young population. While challenges remain, the country’s commitment to education is evident in its expanding school network.

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Keywords: how many schools in Zambia, Zambia schools, number of schools in Zambia, education in Zambia, Zambian education system, primary schools Zambia, secondary schools Zambia, schools in Zambia, Zambia school statistics

Zambia’s School Population: A Comprehensive List
