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MOEST : Call for Teacher training positions

RECENTLY UPDATED ON September 3rd, 2024 at 07:42 pm

MOEST : Call for Teacher training positions

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology is announcing teacher training positions for the Teaching Diploma in Early, Basic and Special Education. The training that will be offered is a Diploma in Teaching Early, Primary Education, Special Education (02 years) and a Special Diploma in Teaching Primary Education (03 years) in science, mathematics and IT subjects.

Applicants for teacher training for the Teaching Diploma in Primary, Basic and Special Education (02 years) are sixth form graduates with first to third grades (I-III) and teachers who are graduates of Teacher Education at the level of Diploma.

Applicants for teaching training for the Special Teaching Diploma in Primary Education (03 years) in science, mathematics and IT subjects are fourth form graduates with grades one to three (I-III). This training will be provided in
 Government colleges and non-Government colleges. Non-Government teaching colleges will provide this training after submitting an application and obtaining it 
approval of the Commissioner of Education. The Ministry invites applications to join the teaching training in Government and non-Government Colleges based on the qualifications specified in this announcement.

