Mpanda Teachers College Admission


Mpanda Teachers College :Do you want to get information about Mpanda Teachers College admission process, tuition fee, list of courses offered, Location, Contact details, and Selection results for 2024/2025 academic year ? . All information about Mpanda Teachers College has been listed and explain well below;

Mpanda Teachers College Information

The Mpanda Teachers College is  fully registered with the National Accreditation Council for Technical Education (NACTVET). The Mpanda Teachers College stands out not only for its academic excellence but also for its For more detailed information about the courses, fee structure, admissions, and contact details, one can visit the official website (See the Link Below)

Name : Mpanda Teachers College

Town : Mpanda District Council

Status : Full Registration

Registration Number : REG/TLF/057

Mpanda Teachers College Application forms

The  courses offered at Mpanda Teachers College requires applicants to have at least four passes in non-religious subjects at the Certificate of Secondary Education Examination level (CSEE)

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