As you eagerly want to see the Kyaibumba Primary School PSLE exam results 2019 , we invite you to explore the achievements of Kyaibumba Primary School pupils this year. In this post, you will find not only the PSLE results for 2019 but also a comparison with previous years, allowing you to see the progress and growth of Kyaibumba Primary School.
Kyaibumba Primary School Profile
School Name: Kyaibumba Primary School
Center Number: PS0505076
District: Karagwe District Council
Region: Kagera
Examination Results 2019
Description of ‘Star Codes’ Used by NECTA in Examination Results
* S: Results suspended pending clarification of observed anomalies either in candidates’ entry details, involvement in cases of irregularities or misconduct in the examination.Results suspended due to centers or schools’ failing to meet registration requirements (i.e. centers with less than 35 candidates).
* E: Results withheld, pending proof of candidates’ payment of requisite Examination fees.
* I: INCOMPLETE Results due to candidates’ missing Continous Assessment (CA) scores in all subjects offered.
I: Incomplete results due to candidates’ missing Continous Assessment(CA) scores in one or more subjects offered but not all.
* W: Results withheld/nullified or canceled due to proven candidate’s involvement in cases of dishonesty or irregularities before, during or after the examinations.
* T: Specific subject(s) results are transferred to the previous year after a candidate was proven with illness during the examination.
ABS: Candidate missed to take the Exam.
FLD: Candidate failed the Exam.
X: Candidate did not appear to take the exam for the particular registered subject.
Comparison with Previous Years
Kyaibumba Primary School PSLE Results 2018
Kyaibumba Primary School PSLE Results 2020
Kyaibumba Primary School PSLE Results 2021
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