Do you want to know more about Rabare Primary School ? The section that follows contains all information you may need to have concerning Rabare Primary School such as KCPE results, Contact details, and the location of the school.
The KCPE examination is designed mainly as a primary school leaving examination. The examination is conducted once every year in October/November. It is an entry examination that enables candidates to progress to Secondary education or training in tertiary institutions. The examination is taken in three days preceded by a day of rehearsal.
Rabare Primary School Results and Contact
School: Rabare
Level : Primary
Ownership : Public
County : Migori
District : Nyatike
Zone : Alendo
Subcounty : Nyatike
Ward : Kanyasa
Primary School Results
The Rabare Primary School consistently achieves high marks across all examinations, including the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE).
Registration of candidates for the KNEC examinations is based on the Regulations and Syllabuses for specific examination which give the guidelines and procedures required for the registration of candidates.
After all the information for the candidates has been keyed online, heads of institutions/schools MUST re-check the online report thoroughly to ensure that it is accurate. The head institution must then download the list of candidates, sign and stamp on the space provided and indicate all other details required in the nominal roll after verification.
The Ministry of Education will remit examination fees for all KCPE and KCSE candidates for both private and public schools. However the following candidates will be required to pay examination fees:-
- KCPE and KCSE private candidates
- Candidate in prisons
- Teacher Education candidates
- Business and Technical examinations candidates
The Registration of the mentioned KNEC examinations is done online.